Amicable Divorce

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Experienced Lawyers for Amicable Divorce in Texas

If you and your spouse have decided upon an amicable divorce, trust the divorce lawyers at Goranson Bain Ausley to guide you through the next steps. Our attorneys have years of experience with amicable divorce in Texas and will approach your case with personal attention, integrity, and legal expertise.

What is an Amicable Divorce?

Divorce can be a contentious process with anxiety and tempers running high on both sides, but this isn’t always the case. Spouses are sometimes able to come to agreements over the important aspects of their divorce without ever having to go to court. This is known as an amicable divorce and it can happen in a few different ways, such as through mediationuncontested divorce, or Collaborative Divorce.

Why You Still Need a Lawyer for an Amicable Divorce

In an amicable divorce, you may feel like you can handle the proceeding on your own, but it’s still highly recommended that both parties work with an amicable divorce attorney to guide them through the process. There are several reasons for this:

Need Help?

If you are looking for a trusted amicable divorce lawyer, we are here to help. Please get in touch with us by completing the form below.

You Aren’t Familiar with the Law

Without the assistance of a lawyer who specializes in family law, it’s easy for important issues to be mishandled. This could mean incorrectly filed paperwork, overlooked assets, or a wide range of other items that can lead to significant long-term problems. You can protect your assets, maintain good relationships, and transition to this new face of life more smoothly with a lawyer helping to manage all the legal aspects of this decision.

You Have Children

Child custody discussions can often turn argumentative even if both parties are approaching the situation from a cooperative standpoint. An amicable divorce attorney can help keep the focus on the best interests of your children, and help you navigate toward the most fair and practical decisions when this happens.

You and Your Spouse Own a Business Together

Dividing up a business can be a complex matter, even when both parties have decided to work together to resolve the issue. Our divorce attorneys at Goranson Bain Ausley can ensure the situation is handled with equity for everyone involved, allowing your business to thrive in the future.

Amicable Divorces Don’t Always Stay That Way

Despite its name, an amicable divorce doesn’t necessarily mean the process will remain friendly. Divorce is difficult and even amicable ones can spiral into heated disagreements that lead to a drawn-out dispute that takes years to resolve. Should this happen, you’ll want to make sure you have a divorce attorney by your side. Working with our lawyers can help prevent these painful situations from occurring.

Schedule Your Consultation with Goranson Bain Ausley Today

If you’re considering an amicable divorce in Texas, contact us today to schedule your consultation. Our divorce attorneys in Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Granbury, Midland and Plano will always put your best interests first and walk you through the process using experienced legal counsel.