Curtis W. Harrison joined Goranson Bain Ausley in December of 2011 as a partner. Mr. Harrison has practiced law for twenty-six years, is board certified in family law, and is the current managing partner for Goranson Bain Ausley.
What did you do prior to joining Goranson Bain Ausley?
“I began my practice in 1994 working for a small civil litigation firm in Las Colinas, handling personal injury, bankruptcy, and family law cases. In 1998 I opened my own firm in Frisco, Texas, handling anything that came in the door. The firm grew over the next several years to become the law firm Albin Harrison Roach. In 2011 I accepted the invitation from GoransonBain Ausley to join their firm as a partner.”
What attracted you to Goranson Bain Ausley?
“GoransonBain Ausley possessed a well-earned reputation as a group of excellent family law practitioners who brought a reasoned approach to representing clients. The firm’s culture promoted the values that I believed in and the partners in the firm were attorneys I admired. In hindsight, the reality was even better than the promise. I am extremely blessed to have the opportunity to practice with such a fine group of professionals.”
Who has been your most influential mentor in the practice of law?
“My father-in-law, the late Douglas C. Fulton, faithfully served his Lord as a Christian, his wife as a husband and father, and the State of Florida as an Assistant State Attorney for twenty-five years. He was a fearless and highly skilled trial attorney who modeled the character traits I most admire and strive to practice: integrity, wisdom and discernment, a sacrificial spirit, and a passion for excellence.”
What do you enjoy most about family law?
“Helping clients find solutions to the issues they are facing.”
What unique qualities do you offer your clients?
“At the heart of every divorce, child custody, or enforcement lawsuit is an unresolved interpersonal conflict that has spilled over into the legal arena. As lawyers we are trained to advocate for our clients’ stated positions and goals. That’s a tough job. However, if that is as far as the analysis goes then we may have missed a unique opportunity to help our clients identify and address the underlying conflict. In addition to resolving the lawsuit I, like my colleagues at GoransonBain Ausley, also work to help clients identify the root causes of those conflicts whenever possible, and equip them with the tools or the professionals needed so that they and their children can move forward with their lives with hope for a better future.”
What advice would you give to a person in need of a family law attorney?
“Meet with more than one attorney before you make a decision and then hire the one who listens well, has a reputation for being responsive, and gives you sound advice (rather than just telling you what you want to hear).”
What makes a great attorney?
“Start with the character traits referenced above: integrity, wisdom and discernment, a sacrificial spirit, and a passion for excellence. Add to these a genuine desire to help people struggling with compelling issues and you have a recipe for a great lawyer.”
What are three tips you would give a potential client facing a family law challenge?
“Don’t allow yourself to make decisions in a highly-emotional state. Such decisions are almost always a mistake.
Take the advice your family and friends give you with a grain of salt. Well-meaning supporters can inadvertently cause more harm than good.
Beware of the Sharks. Aggressive lawyers who make unrealistic promises can wind up costing their clients more in the end. Get a second (or third) opinion before hiring a lawyer and go with the one who sounds the most reasonable – not the one who promises to get you the most.”
Our attorneys are experienced in all aspects of family law and will guide you through each step of the process, ensuring you have the information you need to make wise decisions and prepare for the future.
At Goranson Bain Ausley, we strive to deliver clarity about what comes next and confidence that you and your family’s future are more secure. Contact our team and discover how we can help you.
“I firmly believe that, equipped with the right team of collaborative professionals to guide you, you and your spouse will be able to negotiate an agreement that is more creative, more beneficial, and more satisfying than anything a perfect stranger in a black robe could devise.”