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Specialty tag(s): Collaborative Divorce

How to Minimize the Impact of Divorce on Children

Kelly Caperton Fischer | February 14, 2019

Research shows that what impacts children the most in divorce is not the actual divorce itself, but rather, the prolonged hostility, conflict, and tension between the parents. This hostility can create anxiety in the child and can have some detrimental long term effects. One way to avoid the pitfalls of divorce in co-parenting is through Collaborative Law. Collaborative Law provides an option where the parents can put settlement at the forefront, and allows them to negotiate more openly and truly focus on what is best for their children.

To learn more, contact Kelly Caperton Fischer at (512) 454-8791.

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Our attorneys are experienced in all aspects of family law and will guide you through each step of the process, ensuring you have the information you need to make wise decisions and prepare for the future.

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At Goranson Bain Ausley, we strive to deliver clarity about what comes next and confidence that you and your family’s future are more secure. Contact our team and discover how we can help you.

“I provide conscientious, practical, and diligent legal representation to clients who want a constructive, intelligent and future-focused approach to resolving family law matters.”

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How to Tell Your Spouse You Want a Divorce

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