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How Do I Manage “Distance Learning” Between Two Homes with My Ex?

Lindsey Obenhaus, Aimee Pingenot Key | April 29, 2020

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, parents are suddenly having to take on teaching responsibilities in addition to working from home. For divorced parents, it is essential that parents communicate with one another about school activities and distance learning so that they are both ensuring that the child is completing his or her activities as well as possible. Schools and teachers are also overwhelmed when making the shift to remote learning so it is possible that a teacher may only communicate information to one parent, and that parent needs to communicate and document shared information with the other parent. Additionally, as children thrive on routine, parents need to communicate and try to establish a consistent schedule with respect to schooling so that the child is impacted as little as possible going in between homes. While it is unlikely that a court will intervene if one parent is not doing his/her part to fully complete online learning, this is another issue that can later be considered when parents return to court.

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