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Minimizing Your Divorce Cost in Texas With a Flat-Fee Divorce

Thomas A. Greenwald | April 4, 2024

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“What is the cost of a divorce in Texas?” This may be one of the first questions that comes to mind when you are considering filing for a divorce. Unfortunately, how much it costs to get a divorce in Texas isn’t straightforward in many cases, as the cost of a divorce is driven by a variety of factors.

When you get a divorce in Texas, the cost is influenced by the relationship between you and your spouse. If you’re embroiled in high conflict and approach the divorce in an adversarial manner, the amount each of you will spend in legal fees increases, and your case may need to be litigated. However, if you and your spouse are able to set aside your differences and reach agreements, then you will find that it is possible for your divorce to be settled more quickly and at a lower cost with the advice and guidance of a reputable and experienced divorce lawyer.

To eliminate the chance of unforeseen costs in an agreed divorce case, you may consider a flat-fee divorce. The flat-fee divorce billing structure is designed around the attorney’s skillful and efficient management of a non-contested divorce case. This model offers you the chance to resolve your case swiftly and effectively at a predetermined cost. Like managing a household budget, you can control the expenses of a non-contested divorce with this approach.

However, if you are worried about protecting your children or financial assets, your primary focus should not be on achieving the lowest divorce cost in Texas. When you get a divorce, you may have to spend money to save money. Going after a “cheap” divorce may have both short-term and long-term consequences.

Whether your case is simple or complex, agreed or contested, it is important that you hire an experienced divorce attorney who can skillfully guide you through the process, answer your questions, and prepare documents that will protect you and your family in the short and long term. This means the most important question shouldn’t be “How expensive is a divorce in Texas?” but rather “Who is the right attorney for my needs?” When it comes to significant life events, there is no substitute for hiring a professional with integrity and experience.

A flat-fee divorce is one of several options available to you at Goranson Bain Ausley, alongside divorce mediation, negotiated divorce, collaborative divorce, and a litigated divorce in Texas. The cost should be only one part of determining which option is right for your case. If you need help determining the right path forward, contact us today and let us assist you.

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About Tom Greenwald

Tom Greenwald has more than 30 years of experience as a trial attorney specializing in family law. He earned the distinction of being the Best Lawyers Family Law “Lawyer of the Year” for the Dallas/Fort Worth area, “Top 100 Attorneys in Texas” by Texas Super Lawyers, and has been named to the “Best Lawyers in Dallas: Family Law” by D Magazine. Tom’s comprehensive knowledge of the intricacies of complex divorce proceedings, including business valuations, compensation structures, separate property claims, child custody, private business interests, and property division distinguish him as one of the top family lawyers in Texas. His primary aim is to assist clients in discovering efficient and constructive resolutions, paving the way for financial savings, and fostering positive future relationships.

To learn more, contact Tom Greenwald at (214) 473-9696.

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