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GoransonBain Ausley remains open and continues service to clients.

March 16, 2020

As the situation with the COVID-19 continues to develop and evolve, the safety, health and well-being of our clients and our team are paramount to GoransonBain Ausley. We are following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and the State of Texas to ensure that we keep families, yours and ours, safe.

We would like to reassure you that GoransonBain Ausley will continue to be available to provide services to all of our clients. Our priority is to maintain services to our clients and ensure the wellbeing of our community. Below is a list of FAQ’s regarding our response and commitment to you during COVID-19.

Can I have a consultation with my lawyer remotely?

Yes, GoransonBain Ausley has a comprehensive remote working capability and all of our lawyers and paralegals are equipped to work securely from home. We have multiple video conferencing options. Please contact your attorney for the platform that works best for you.

Will my lawyer be available to answer questions and work on my case?

Yes, we are open and your legal matters will continue to receive proper attention. You can email, call, or video conference with your lawyer during this time.

How are court hearings and appointments affected?

The Texas courts are adjusting regular operations and most non-emergency hearings are being rescheduled.  This is a dynamic and changing situation, but as leaders in the family law community, we are following the situation closely and are constantly being updated on what the courts are doing during this time. Please talk with your attorney to assess what this will mean for your case.

Can I consult with a lawyer about a new family law or divorce matter?

Yes, we have office staff working at all three offices to ensure that no business interruption occurs. For information about a family law or divorce matter please call our office or complete the Request a Consultation Form.

Your family law matters remain our top priority and we are committed to providing the same level of compassionate and comprehensive representation on which we have built our name and reputation. During this time of social distancing, we may not physically be together, but we commit to working as a team so that your needs are met in the most expeditious, safe and personalized manner possible.

Services to Help Solve Your Challenges

Our attorneys are experienced in all aspects of family law and will guide you through each step of the process, ensuring you have the information you need to make wise decisions and prepare for the future.

Get in Touch

At Goranson Bain Ausley, we strive to deliver clarity about what comes next and confidence that you and your family’s future are more secure. Contact our team and discover how we can help you.

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