Grief and Loss Support Resources for Children and Families

Losing a friend or family member at any age is difficult, but this is especially true when you’re a child or teen. Death forces young people to consider the reality of their own mortality and learn to live in a future without their loved ones. Grief can leave children and teens feeling confused, frightened, and alone, which can all too often turn into feelings of anger and guilt. However, it’s important for grieving children and teens to remember that they’re not alone. Friends, family members, counselors, therapists, and support groups are all available to help them cope with their loss healthily. Many of these options provide grieving children and teens a safe space to express their feelings so that they can learn to move on with their lives. There are also numerous organizations dedicated to helping those grieving that offer insightful and helpful online resources for free. No matter how lost, confused, or hurt you may feel, help is available for you.

Teen Grief: Navigating Loss During an Already Challenging Time of Life

The Parmenter Foundation has put together this guide designed to help teenagers who have recently lost a family member.

Grieving the Death of a Parent

The loss of a parent is always a traumatic experience. Explore the unique issues related to such a loss and the effects it can have on your life moving forward.

Anticipatory Grief for Teens

Death isn’t always unexpected. Sometimes, a loved one is struggling with an illness that may cause them to pass away before their time. This situation can lead to anticipatory grief, and this guide can help you understand what to expect.

Your Friend Is Grieving: Tips for Supporting Them

If you’re not grieving but know someone who is, these tips can show you how to be there for them during such a difficult time.

Grief for Teens

This page has been created specifically for teens to explain what grief is and how it can affect your life after losing a loved one.

Ten Basic Principles of Grieving for Children and Teens

Grief affects everyone differently, but these are ten things you should be aware of if you know a child or teen who is grieving.

Teen Grief

Learn what signs to look for to know whether a teen is still grieving or if they’re healing. This page also contains several tips that can help teens navigate this tough time.

How to Help a Grieving Teenager: Ten Tips for Handling Teen Grief

Whether you’re a teen who’s grieving or you know one who is, these tips can help with processing feelings of loss.

Coping With Grief: Activities for Children and Teens

These hands-on activities provide a safe and healthy way for teens to work out their confusing and frustrating feelings over the loss of a loved one.

How to Help a Teen Grieve the Loss of a Friend

The loss of a friend as a teenager is almost always unexpected and traumatic. This article can help you determine the best way to assist the grieving teen in your life.

Helping Children Deal With Grief

Explaining death to a grieving child can be complicated, but this page will help you understand what to expect and teach you the best ways to assist them.

Teen Grief 101: Helping Teens Deal With Loss

Learn how to teach grieving teens to cope with loss in healthy ways that promote healing.

The Grieving Teen

This resource from the American Hospice Foundation explores how teens grieve differently from adults and how you can help them develop healthy coping skills.

Bereavement Reactions of Children and Young People by Age Group

Learn the ways that children of different ages, from infants to teens, process the loss of a loved one.

Helping Kids and Teens Deal With Grief

This article explores aspects of grief in children such as how long grief lasts, what the signs of grief are, and how you can help them accept the loss and move on.

Experiencing Grief as a Teenager

Grieving as a teenager is different than grieving as an adult. Discover how the experience differs and what to expect from a grieving teen.

A Guide for Young People: Grief and Loss

If you’ve recently lost a family member or friend, this guide can help you understand what to expect and how to find the support you need to heal.

Helping Grieving Children and Teenagers

Loss can be more impactful at a young age, and this guide will teach you how young people of various ages react to the death of a family member or friend.

Helping a Child Cope With the Loss of a Loved One

Discover how children and teens grieve differently and how you can know if they need extra support in coping with their loss.

Helping Teenagers Who Have Lost a Parent

The death of a parent is always hard. This guide will help teach you the best ways to support a teen who has recently lost a parent.

How to Support a Teenager Who Is Grieving

This guide will help you understand how teenagers show their grief after the loss of a loved one and what you can do to ensure that you’re there for their needs.

Understanding Grieving Teenagers

Child Bereavement UK created this information sheet with help from bereaved teenagers to help adults better understand how to support grieving teens they care about.

Grief and Children

It can be hard to know whether or not a child is grieving healthily. This article explains how you can know if a child requires extra support in coping with a loss.

Childhood Grief: When to Seek Additional Help

Visit this page to learn how to know when a child needs extra help processing their grief and some ways that you help them cope with their loss.

Helping Our Children Deal With Grief and Loss

This article outlines seven ways you can help a child in your life process the loss of a family member in a healthy way.