Dyslexia Resources for Kids and Families

Dyslexia is a common learning disability that affects a person’s ability to read and spell words. Characterized by difficulties with phonological awareness and processing, verbal memory, and verbal processing speed, dyslexia exists on a spectrum, meaning its impact can range from mild to severe. Sometimes, those diagnosed with dyslexia also struggle with number work. Early identification and intervention are key to supporting individuals with dyslexia. If you suspect that your child may have dyslexia, it’s important to seek a formal evaluation from a qualified professional. With the right support strategies and interventions, individuals with dyslexia can achieve great success in school, work, and beyond.

To help students with dyslexia reach their highest potential, there are a variety of different interventions, aids, and resources available to families.

  • Structured learning programs are explicit and systematic approaches to teaching spelling and reading. These programs put a heavy emphasis on language structure and phonics.
  • Multisensory instructions are also effective for teaching students who have been diagnosed with dyslexia. Teaching using multisensory instructions means including different sensory elements in a single lesson. It could include a combination of auditory, visual, and kinesthetic-tactile elements working together to convey lesson material.
  • Using assistive technology and accommodations in the classroom can also be very beneficial to students. Assistive technology may include text-to-speech software, spell-checkers, and audiobooks. These can be helpful with tasks that are centered around reading and writing. With the help of scribes or a laptop’s word processing program, like Microsoft Word, students with dyslexia can develop ways to succeed despite their diagnosis.
  • Test-taking accommodations, including oral exam models and extra testing time can also be powerful tools that can help a student achieve academic success.

In order to benefit from personalized academic support and accommodations, it is important that parents advocate for their children’s needs. Meeting with the child’s teachers, school administrators, academic support staff, and, when necessary, a child’s primary care provider and behavioral support team to discuss any concerns and develop an academic support plan or Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is among the first things a parent needs to do in to best support their student. Together with school teachers and staff, families can build an IEP that includes academic goals that address their student’s difficulties with language, spelling, and reading. The goals set forth should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. The student can then work within the supports of the plan to achieve their goals. Assessments will also be put in place to ensure that the IEP is effectively meeting the needs of the student and that they are growing in their reading, comprehension, and spelling. IEPs are evaluated on an annual basis, at minimum. The parties involved in a student’s IEP may meet as often as is needed to create an effective support plan for the student. Should additional support be needed or if the student seems to progress to the point of not needing the accommodations and supports outlined in the IEP, it may be re-evaluated by the family and the academic support team. Qualifying reevaluations are carried out every three years to confirm the student’s eligibility and need for support.

It’s important to understand that dyslexia is not related to a person’s intelligence. With the right support, individuals with dyslexia can not only overcome challenges but also discover their strengths and thrive in various aspects of life. Individuals with dyslexia have been known to be creative thinkers, problem-solvers, and effective communicators. Families are encouraged to explore the resources available in their community and online to find the support that best meets their needs.

Understanding Dyslexia

There is much for parents and educators to learn about how to help students with dyslexia succeed and thrive academically.

Dyslexia Parents Resource Guide

Learn about the signs, symptoms, and treatment of dyslexia.

Information and Resources for Families

Families can learn about how dyslexia is characterized and the resources that are available to them as they work to support their children academically.

Dyslexia Definition, Characteristics, Assessment, and Treatments

This is a detailed overview of dyslexia as a disorder and how it can be assessed and managed.

Dyslexia: A Deeper Understanding

Learning modules provide valuable information to teachers and families interested in helping their children learn with dyslexia.

Dyslexia FAQs

Get answers to some of the most popular questions related to dyslexia.

An Overview of Dyslexia

The Cleveland Clinic offers detailed information on dyslexia, including its diagnosis and treatment.

Facts About Dyslexia

Understanding the statistics and characteristics that define this learning disability can help position families and teachers to best support their students.

Social-Emotional and Cognitive Resilience in Children With Reading Disabilities

Children with reading disabilities are remarkably resilient and can go on to do great things with the support of their families and teachers.

Five Ways Dyslexia Can Affect Kids Socially

Dyslexia impacts areas outside of reading and learning. It can also show up in social interactions.

Screening for Dyslexia

Learn more about the research, best practices, and policies surrounding screening for dyslexia.

Clues to Dyslexia

Identifying behaviors that might be indicative of dyslexia is one of the first steps to helping young students.

Universal Screening for Reading Skills in K-2 Grades

A reading assessment is an important tool in identifying potential learning struggles for your student.

Classroom Accommodations for Dyslexic Students

With the right accommodations, students with dyslexia can thrive academically.

Dyslexia and the Developing Brain

Many different factors can contribute to a dyslexia diagnosis.

The Definition and Continuum of Dyslexia

Dyslexia exists on a continuum and can range from mild to severe. Learning more about this can help positively impact students as they work around this language-based reading disability.

The Importance of Early Detection of Dyslexia

Dyslexia affects boys and girls differently, but early intervention can help position students of any gender for success later on.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dyslexia

These FAQs can provide clarity regarding dyslexia and common questions that parents might have.

Five Things to Know About Teaching Children With Dyslexia

Students with dyslexia may learn best when teachers employ different teaching methods.

Neuroscience for Kids: Dyslexia

Knowing more about what dyslexia is and how children with dyslexia may learn best can help parents and teachers to best meet kids where they’re at.

What Parents Need to Know About Testing for Dyslexia

Dyslexia is one of the most frequently diagnosed learning disorders, and help is widely available for families interested in learning more about how their child learns and what types of supports they might benefit from.

A Complete Guide to Dyslexia

This guide offers a variety of information to help parents learn about and advocate for their children with dyslexia.

Understanding Dyslexia

Understanding dyslexia can help parents to better support their students in their learning journey.

Spotting, Supporting, and Empowering Children With Dyslexia

You might recognize some of these famous faces, but you might not have known that they have thrived with dyslexia.

Facts About Dyslexia for Families

There is so much to learn about dyslexia, and the more you know, the more you can help support those in your life who struggle with this language-based reading disability.

Helping Your Child With Dyslexia at Home

These coping strategies can be employed at home to help your child manage and work through their dyslexia diagnosis.

How to Explain Dyslexia to Your Child

Talking with your child about their dyslexia is an important part of helping them understand how they learn best and why some aspects of learning may be difficult.

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