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How to Start the New Year Off Right After a Divorce

December 8, 2022

Smiling mother embracing her daughter

The first day of a new year is not just another date on the calendar. It is symbolic of a new beginning and a clean slate. The new year is an opportunity to reflect on all that you have experienced and refocus for the future ahead of you. This rings especially true the first New Year’s Day after a divorce. Divorce is one of the most challenging life transitions you will go through and being able to leave the turmoil behind you is a welcomed relief. However, you may be feeling lost on how to start this new chapter in your life. Here are a few tips on how to move forward after divorce and heal to be the best version of yourself in the upcoming year.

Acknowledge and process your feelings.

Even if you know that divorce was the right option for your family, it is natural to grieve the life you thought you were going to have with your former spouse. You entered your marriage with love in your hearts, and it is normal to be disappointed with how it ended. Take the time to acknowledge how you feel, allow yourself to experience and process those emotions, and finally let them go. Holding everything in is only going to prolong your pain and delay your healing.

Set new goals and explore new hobbies.

With marriage comes an established routine or a way of doing things. You go through marriage always thinking of the other person and adjusting your dreams based on your shared goals. When divorce happens, it is easy to get lost in who you were and attempt to hang on to the familiarity and stability that marriage created. This is the time to discover yourself again. Take the time to figure out what you like to do, what your passions are, and explore new things. Embrace this journey and find yourself again.

Get the support you need.

Consider going to therapy to help you process what you went through. By talking to a qualified professional, you can speak freely to an unbiased third party who has the tools necessary to help you. Your mental well-being is important, and you must be intentional in prioritizing yourself. Divorce, no matter how amicable, is an emotionally taxing process. It is likely that during your divorce proceedings, you were just trying to get through the day. Now that most of the stress is over, it is important to focus on taking care of yourself. Really consider how you would like to bring more health and happiness into your life this upcoming year.

Do what is best for your children.

If you have children with your former spouse, you are now figuring out what co-parenting with them looks like. This can be especially challenging if your divorce proceedings were contentious. In moments of tension or emotion, think about your children. While your ex may no longer be your spouse, they will always be your child’s parent. Do everything you can to ensure your children continue to have a healthy and happy relationship with your former spouse; everyone will be better off for it.


Ultimately, the most important piece of advice we can give you is to be patient and give yourself grace as you navigate this unfamiliar territory. Healing does not come overnight but it is important to remain hopeful because happiness is around the corner for you and your children. You made a difficult decision so that your family could be in a better position and this fact alone deserves a round of applause. And if in the future you need a family law advocate on your side, remember our experienced attorneys at Goranson Bain Ausley are here to help.

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