A Family's Guide to Website and Social Media Safety

In this technology-driven world, we’re more connected to each other than ever before, thanks to computers, tablets, smartphones, and other digital devices. Technology is ingrained into every aspect of our daily lives at this point, but while most people may know the basics of how to use these devices, most people don’t give their safety while doing so a second thought. It’s important to take precautions while browsing the Internet to keep you and your loved ones safe from cyberbullying, identity theft, scams, and other crimes.

Internet Safety

Digital Citizenship

Social Media Safety


  • How to Stop Cyberbullying: UNICEF brought together specialists from all over the world and teamed up with social media sites to bring awareness to online bullying and give advice on how children and teenagers can deal with it.
  • 11 Facts About Cyberbullying: Learn more about what cyberbullying is and how it affects people around you.
  • Cyberbullying Statistics: Find out how prevalent cyberbullying is and learn more about the online harassment kids and teenagers today may face.
  • Cyberbullying Information: Unfortunately, bullying has evolved alongside technology, so it now takes place online as well as in person. Here, you can learn more about what cyberbullying is and what adults can do about it.
  • Is Cyberbullying Illegal? When Comments Turn Criminal: Cyberbullying affects many of today’s youth, but do you need to get a lawyer involved?
  • Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying is an unfortunate reality for many Internet users. Find out more about what it is, why people do it, and what can be done about it here.
  • Cyberbullying Research: With the rise of technology and social media, cyberbullying has become rampant, but it’s still not as bad as it is offline.
  • Cyberbullying: There are things parents can do to keep online socializing healthy for kids and teens. This article has some helpful tips for parents to take advantage of.
  • Help Kids Deal With Cyberbullying: Learn about the tools parents and children can use when they or someone they love is being cyberbullied.

Identity Theft, Phishing, and Online Scams